Fujiflim polaroid instant camera review

This is the Polaroid Camera. (My review)

My parents use to have one of these. I got to use it sometimes. I toke pictures of the outdoors and sometimes my pets. They got the camera from my grandparents. It use to be theirs but they give it to us. They use the camera on there trips they went too. They give us the photos they toke and some of them were so pretty. But than they got there phones and different cameras and that's why they give it to us.

I like how you get your photos right away
I like how easy it is to use it
I like how you can get a case for it
I like how its not heavy
I like how its easy not to loose it
I like how the flash is good
I like how you can get different film backgrounds.(color)
I like how you can get the camera in different colors

I dislike how you have to spend money on new film
I dislike how the photos take a little bit to appear
I dislike how you run out of film fast
I dislike how its to close up
I dislike how someone of them don't have a camera in the front so you can take a picture of yourself

I think you should buy the product. Its really fun to use. Use the film wisely and just have fun with it. Its easy to take the picture. Why rather waste your space on your phone when you can get this camera and get the photos right away and doesn't take up space. And its a cheap product and it works so good.

I rate it 7/10 because it’s really amazing but the film is not cheap. 


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