
Hi guys, I interview some people about photography.

1. what's your favorite picture and why?
Denise: A picture she token was at a beach in California, it was so pretty
Chloe: Duluth, they toke pictures in the rain with her family and her boyfriend
Kendra: picture of her dog because she looks cute

2: If you have to take seniors pictures where would you take them and why?
Denise: Munsinger gardens because there lots of flowers
Chloe: In a sunflower felid
Kendra: A felid

3: How do you get the person you are taking a picture of they way you want them to be?
Denise: Go up to them and put them they way she wants like lean\
Chloe: It depends where they are. pose against a cute wall, and make them laugh
Kendra: just pose them

4: What technology do you use?
Denise: A camera or her cell phone
Chloe: Her iPhone seven or her canon camera
Kendra: her phone and computer

5: What is one thing you wanted to know before starting to take photos?
Denise: If she going to do something, how to use it
Chloe: Get a cool ankle like how the photo change
Kendra: How to get a good angle

6: What's your favorite camera and why?

Denise: she doesn't have a favorite one
Chloe: Canon, T3 I rebel
Kendra: She don't have one

7: How often do you take pictures?
Denise: Almost everyday
Chloe: weekly
Kendra: not often

8: When did you start taking pictures?
Denise: When she was 10-12 years old
Chloe: Had a little camera when little. But a good camera in 7th-8th grade
Kendra: she don't take any

9: What tips do you have for getting a good picture?
Denise: Look for good lighting
Chloe: watch the lighting and make sure things are focus and where you take the photo
Kendra: Good lighting

10: What's one spot you love taking pictures at?
Denise: At a park
Chloe: St. Johns
Kendra: In the woods

11: What made you want to start photography?
Denise: She thought it was fun
Chloe: Her mom toke lot pf photos so she wanted to try
Kendra: she don't do much photography

12:Do you use any apps to make your picture look better?
Denise: No, not really
Chloe: Vsco, because the filters look nice and you can post them
Kendra: No

That's all!
Peace Out!


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